Sony SF10000 Manuale Utente

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Setting preferences 
Preferences affect how Sound Forge software functions. Any changes that you make to the preferences remain set until you change 
them again or reset Sound Forge software to use the default presets. 
You can access the Preferences dialog by choosing Preferences from the Options menu. This dialog contains tabbed pages. The 
following sections explain the settings on each tab. 
General tab 
The General tab allows you to set miscellaneous Sound Forge options. 
Show logo splash-screen on startup  When this check box is selected, the Sound Forge splash screen will be displayed briefly upon startup. 
Open default Workspace on startup  If this check box is selected, files that were open when you last exited the program will be opened 
Default to slow scroll when drag 
In some very fast computers, automatic scrolling while selecting is too fast to use accurately. When this 
option is turned on, drag-selecting will cause a slow scroll. 
Click the right mouse button while selecting to toggle slow scrolling. 
Warn when Paste or Mix formats do  Select this check box if you want to be warned before mixing data that has different sample rates. 
not match 
Mixing data of different sample rates may produce unintended results. 
Confirm on close 
Select this check box if you want the application to present a confirmation message box before exiting. 
Compatible draw mode (for broken 
video drivers) 
Because the application's drawing routines are highly optimized, they increase the chance of causing 
little-known video card problems to arise. Some video cards have bugs in their drivers that can make 
your system lock up when the application tries to draw a waveform. 
Compatible draw mode uses a different method of drawing the waveform that, although not as 
smooth, puts less stress on the video card. With some video cards, this mode actually increases the draw 
speed. However, more flashing can occur. 
Compatible scroll mode (for other 
broken video drivers) 
When this check box is selected, a less optimized method of scrolling the data window will be used. In 
some instances, this can reduce interference problems between your audio and video card when 
Smooth Scrolling playback is selected. 
Show a textured background on 
When this check box is selected, a stucco texture will be used for the application background. 
the Workspace 
Allow Wave renders up to 4 GB 
Select this check box to enable support for WAV files up to 4 GB. Clear the check box for compatibility 
with other software applications. 
Ignore fact chunk when opening 
compressed WAV files 
When this check box is selected, the software will ignore fact chunks in compressed WAV files. 
Compressed WAV files use fact chunks to specify how many actual samples are represented in the file. If 
a compressed file is improperly authored, this may cause some of the compressed data to not be 
loaded. If you suspect that not all sound data is being loaded from a compressed file, try checking this 
option and reopening the file. 
If you change the setting of this check box, delete any proxy (.sfap0) files associated with 
compressed WAV files. 
Show free storage space on Status  When this check box is selected, the total amount of free disk space available on your specified 
temporary drive is displayed on the status bar. 
Use the Temporary files and record folder box at the bottom of the General tab to set the folder that 
will be used for temporary files and recorded data. 
Show shuttle controls on Data 
When this check box is selected, Rewind and Forward buttons will appear on each data window’s 
Window transport 
transport controls. 
Auto-power MIDI keyboard 
Select this check box if you want to open the MIDI device assigned to the MIDI keyboard (if it is not 
already open) when you click a key on the MIDI keyboard. You may want to turn off this option if you are 
using the same MIDI output device for MIDI synchronization or for your sequencer. 
If this option is turned off, you need to click the On button on the keyboard prior to using it to send 
Use Net Notify to stay informed 
When this check box is selected, information from Sony will be displayed periodically at startup. Clear 
about Sony products 
the check box to bypass the Net Notify dialog. 