Texas Instruments TI-89 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 1008
3D Graphing
Drawing a Contour for the Z Value of a Selected Point Interactively
Drawing a Contour for the Z Value of a Selected Point Interactively
Drawing a Contour for the Z Value of a Selected Point Interactively
Drawing a Contour for the Z Value of a Selected Point Interactively
If a contour graph is currently displayed, you can specify a point on the graph and draw a 
contour for the corresponding z value.
2. Select 
7:Draw Contour
3. Either:
Type the point’s x value and press 
¸, and then type the y value and press 
– or –
Move the cursor to the applicable point. (The cursor moves along the grid lines.) 
Then press 
For example, suppose the current graph is z1(x,y)=x
–5. If you specify x=2 and 
y=3, a contour is drawn for z=3.5.
 Any existing contours remain on the graph. To remove the default contours, display 
the Window editor (
8 $) and set 
1. To display the 
 menu, press:
2 ˆ