Nxp Semiconductors UM10237 Manuale Utente

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User manual
Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 
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NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 11: LPC24XX Ethernet
In half duplex mode, when the TxFlowControl bit goes high, continuous preamble is sent 
until TxFlowControl is deasserted. If the medium is idle, the Ethernet block begins 
transmitting preamble, which raises carrier sense causing all other stations to defer. In the 
event the transmitting of preamble causes a collision, the backpressure ‘rides through’ the 
collision. The colliding station backs off and then defers to the backpressure. If during 
backpressure, the user wishes to send a frame, the backpressure is interrupted, the frame 
sent and then the backpressure resumed. If TxFlowControl is asserted for longer than 
3.3 ms in 10 Mbps mode or 0.33 ms in 100 Mbps mode, backpressure will cease sending 
preamble for several byte times to avoid the jabber limit.
9.13 Receive filtering
Features of receive filtering
The Ethernet MAC has several receive packet filtering functions that can be configured 
from the software driver:
Perfect address filter: allows packets with a perfectly matching station address to be 
identified and passed to the software driver.
Hash table filter: allows imperfect filtering of packets based on the station address.
Unicast/multicast/broadcast filtering: allows passing of all unicast, multicast, and/or 
broadcast packets.
Magic packet filter: detection of magic packets to generate a Wake-on-LAN interrupt.
The filtering functions can be logically combined to create complex filtering functions. 
Furthermore, the Ethernet block can pass or reject runt packets smaller than 64 bytes; a 
promiscuous mode allows all packets to be passed to software.
The Ethernet block has the capability to filter out receive frames by analyzing the Ethernet 
destination address in the frame. This capability greatly reduces the load on the host 
system, because Ethernet frames that are addressed to other stations would otherwise 
need to be inspected and rejected by the device driver software, using up bandwidth, 
memory space, and host CPU time. Address filtering can be implemented using the 
perfect address filter or the (imperfect) hash filter. The latter produces a 6 bits hash code 
which can be used as an index into a 64 entry programmable hash table. 
depicts a functional view of the receive filter.
At the top of the diagram the Ethernet receive frame enters the filters. Each filter is 
controlled by signals from control registers; each filter produces a ‘Ready’ output and a 
‘Match’ output. If ‘Ready’ is 0 then the Match value is ‘don’t care’; if a filter finishes filtering 
then it will assert its Ready output; if the filter finds a matching frame it will assert the 
Match output along with the Ready output. The results of the filters are combined by logic 
functions into a single RxAbort output. If the RxAbort output is asserted, the frame does 
not need to be received.
In order to reduce memory traffic, the receive datapath has a buffer of 68 bytes. The 
Ethernet MAC will only start writing a frame to memory after 68 byte delays. If the RxAbort 
signal is asserted during the initial 68 bytes of the frame, the frame can be discarded and 
removed from the buffer and not stored to memory at all, not using up receive descriptors, 
etc. If the RxAbort signal is asserted after the initial 68 bytes in a frame (probably due to 
reception of a Magic Packet), part of the frame is already written to memory and the