Nxp Semiconductors UM10237 Manuale Utente

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User manual
Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 
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NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 13: LPC24XX USB device controller
5.5 DMA engine and bus master interface
When enabled for an endpoint, the DMA Engine transfers data between RAM on the AHB 
bus and the endpoint’s buffer in EP_RAM. A single DMA channel is shared between all 
endpoints. When transferring data, the DMA Engine functions as a master on the AHB 
bus through the bus master interface.
5.6 Register interface
The Register Interface allows the CPU to control the operation of the USB Device 
Controller. It also provides a way to write transmit data to the controller and read receive 
data from the controller.
5.7 SoftConnect
The connection to the USB is accomplished by bringing D+ (for a full-speed device) HIGH 
through a 1.5 kOhm pull-up resistor. The SoftConnect feature can be used to allow 
software to finish its initialization sequence before deciding to establish connection to the 
USB. Re-initialization of the USB bus connection can also be performed without having to 
unplug the cable.
To use the SoftConnect feature, the CONNECT signal should control an external switch 
that connects the 1.5 kOhm resistor between D+ and +3.3V. Software can then control the 
CONNECT signal by writing to the CON bit using the SIE Set Device Status command.
5.8 GoodLink
Good USB connection indication is provided through GoodLink technology. When the 
device is successfully enumerated and configured, the LED indicator will be permanently 
ON. During suspend, the LED will be OFF. 
This feature provides a user-friendly indicator on the status of the USB device. It is a 
useful field diagnostics tool to isolate faulty equipment.
To use the GoodLink feature the UP_LED signal should control an LED. The UP_LED 
signal is controlled using the SIE Configure Device command.
Operational overview
Transactions on the USB bus transfer data between device endpoints and the host. The 
direction of a transaction is defined with respect to the host. OUT transactions transfer 
data from the host to the device. IN transactions transfer data from the device to the host. 
All transactions are initiated by the host controller.
For an OUT transaction, the USB ATX receives the bi-directional D+ and D- signals of the 
USB bus. The Serial Interface Engine (SIE) receives the serial data from the ATX and 
converts it into a parallel data stream. The parallel data is written to the corresponding 
endpoint buffer in the EP_RAM.
For IN transactions, the SIE reads the parallel data from the endpoint buffer in EP_RAM, 
converts it into serial data, and transmits it onto the USB bus using the USB ATX.