WoodWing Connection Pro 4 for InDesign PD40CA Manuale Utente

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Smart Connection’s editorial tool
Composing great copy
Adobe  InCopy  CS2  software  is  a
professional  writing  and  editing
program  that  tightly  integrates  with
Adobe InDesign CS2 software to deliver
a  complete  solution  for  collaborative
editorial workflow.
Flexible graphics placement
Easily  place,  scale,  crop,  and  rotate
images  and  artwork,  including  inline
graphics, in frames that designers have
assigned to them.
Support for multiple text 
Easily open and import content from
a  wide  variety  of  sources  because
InCopy  CS2  supports  numerous  text
file formats including Microsoft Word,
Excel, RTF, ASCII, and XML.
Inline editorial notes
Use  handy  inline  editorial  notes  to
communicate  with  colleagues  or
temporarily  store  alternative  text  as
you write or edit a story.
Microsoft Word style conflict 
Easily resolve character and paragraph
style  conflicts  when  you  open  and
import files from Microsoft Word, RTF,
and TXT files.
Write to fit with  
00% accuracy
Switch among three views of a story
when  writing  or  editing.  Galley
View  displays  100%  accurate  line
breaks. Story View allows faster word
processing.  Layout  View  gives  an
accurate view of the InDesign layout
so you can make text edits in relation
to the design.
Control of layer visibility
Control the visibility of layers in Layout
View.  For  example,  in  a  multilingual
assignment, hide or show layers with
different  language  versions  of  the
content for review.
Complete copyfit information
View copyfit information as you work
in Galley, Layout, and now Story View.
Constant visual feedback informs you
of space remaining—or how far you’ve
gone over—plus story depth and line,
word, and character counts.
Write and edit more 
Achieve  clean,  final  copy  fast  with
including enhanced text import options,
drag-and-drop  text,  paste  without
formatting,  and  optional  common-
error text correction.
Typographical controls
Produce polished typography using a
rich set of text formatting features such
as nested styles, OpenType
and more.
Efficient and flexible work 
Customize your word processing and
copyfitting environment to best fit your
working style with collapsible palettes,
custom  keyboard  shortcuts,  editable
toolbars,  and  display  preferences  for
text editing.