ZyXEL Communications 2R-P1C Manuale Utente

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P-2301/2R-P1C / P-2301RL-P1C User’s Guide
• Support E-mail: support@ua.zyxel.com
• Sales E-mail: sales@ua.zyxel.com
• Telephone: +380-44-247-69-78
• Fax: +380-44-494-49-32
• Web Site: www.ua.zyxel.com
• Regular Mail: ZyXEL Ukraine, 13, Pimonenko Str., Kiev, 04050, Ukraine
United Kingdom
• Support E-mail: support@zyxel.co.uk
• Sales E-mail: sales@zyxel.co.uk
• Telephone: +44-1344 303044, 08707 555779 (UK only)
• Fax: +44-1344 303034
• Web Site: www.zyxel.co.uk
• FTP Site: ftp.zyxel.co.uk
• Regular Mail: ZyXEL Communications UK, Ltd.,11 The Courtyard, Eastern 
Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 2XB, United Kingdom (UK)
+” is the (prefix) number you dial to make an international telephone call.
User Guide Feedback
Help us help you. E-mail all User Guide-related comments, questions or 
suggestions for improvement to techwriters@zyxel.com.tw or send regular mail 
to The Technical Writing Team, ZyXEL Communications Corp., 6 Innovation 
Road II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan. Thank you.
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