ZyXEL Communications 5 Series Manuale Utente

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 Chapter 36 WAN and Dial Backup Setup
ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide
36.3.3  Remote Node Profile (Backup ISP)
Enter 3 in Menu 11 - Remote Node Setup to open Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Profile 
(Backup ISP) 
(shown below) and configure the setup for your Dial Backup port connection. 
Not all fields are available on all models.
Figure 372   Menu 11.3: Remote Node Profile (Backup ISP)
Table 218   Advanced WAN Port Setup: Call Control Parameters
Call Control
Dial Timeout (sec)
Enter a number of seconds for the ZyWALL to keep trying to set up an outgoing 
call before timing out (stopping). The ZyWALL times out and stops if it cannot set 
up an outgoing call within the timeout value. 
Retry Count
Enter a number of times for the ZyWALL to retry a busy or no-answer phone 
number before blacklisting the number.
Retry Interval (sec)
Enter a number of seconds for the ZyWALL to wait before trying another call after 
a call has failed. This applies before a phone number is blacklisted. 
Drop Timeout (sec)
Enter a number of seconds for the ZyWALL to wait before dropping the DTR 
signal if it does not receive a positive disconnect confirmation.
Call Back Delay 
Enter a number of seconds for the ZyWALL to wait between dropping a callback 
request call and dialing the co-responding callback call.
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt “Press ENTER to Confirm…” to 
save your configuration, or press [ESC] at any time to cancel.
                  Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Profile (Backup ISP)
     Rem Node Name= Dial
     Active= No
                                          Edit IP= No
     Outgoing:                            Edit Script Options= No
       My Login= ChangeMe
       My Password= ********              Telco Option:
       Retype to Confirm= ********          Allocated Budget(min)= 0
       Authen= CHAP/PAP                       Period(hr)= 0
       Pri Phone #= 0                       Schedules=
       Sec Phone #=                         Always On= No
                                          Session Options:
                                            Edit Filter Sets= No
                                            Idle Timeout(sec)= 100
                    Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel: