Cabletron Systems 1800 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 232
Configuring the Subscriber Table
Adding or Modifying Subscriber Table Entries
In the Address Table:
If you wish to modify an existing Address Table entry, be sure that entry is 
selected (and remember, any changes you make to the Address Table 
effect the Subscriber Table entry currently highlighted in the top portion of 
the window).
In the Index field, enter the index value you wish to assign to the entry 
you are configuring. Allowable values are 1-5; these values need 
not be 
assigned sequentially.
In the Address field, enter the Subscriber ID assigned to the subscriber 
device you wish to use as a redirect option for the selected subscriber. 
How these addresses are used is dependent upon the redirect options 
selected for the Subscriber Table entry you’re modifying. Note that you 
cannot use wildcards in this field.
Click on 
 to create a new entry, or on 
 to edit the entry 
selected in the Address Table list box. (Note that either adding or 
modifying an Address Table entry automatically modifies the Subscriber 
Table entry highlighted in the Subscriber Table list box.)
Click on 
 to exit the window.
Deleting Table  Entries
You can delete individual entries from any of the three tables in the window; keep 
in mind, however, that deleting a Routing Table or Address Table entry simply 
modiÞes the selected Subscriber Table entry; deleting a Subscriber Table entry 
also deletes all associated Routing Table and Address Table entries by default.
Remember, too, that deleting all Routing Table entries for a Subscriber Table entry 
invalidates the entry (as no path to the subscriber device is provided); deleting all 
Address Table entries for a Subscriber Table entry invalidates any enabled redirect 
options, since no redirect addresses will be deÞned.
To delete an entry from any of the tables:
Click to select the entry you wish to delete.
Click on 
. The selected entry will be removed. If you have deleted a 
Subscriber Table entry, all associated Routing Table and Address Table 
entries will also be removed.