Fujitsu Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Manuale Utente

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Specify when not connecting network resources, only creating a configuration definition.
The network (NIC) number corresponds to a NIC number (NICIndex) + 1 that is defined in L-Server templates.
[Oracle VM]
One or more networks must be specified.
Label (Optional)
A custom label can be defined for the L-Server. User-defined labels make it easier to identify the server.
Enter a maximum of 32 characters.
Comment (Optional)
A custom comment can be defined for the L-Server. For example, registering detailed work content, troubleshooting, and
recovery procedures can speed up the recovery of affected applications when a problem occurs.
Enter a maximum of 256 characters.
Click <OK>.
The L-Server is created.
The process status can be checked in the Recent Operations area of the ROR console.
When creating a physical L-Server specifying image deployment, clicking <Cancel> in the Recent Operations area displays a
confirmation dialog and stops the process.
Please note that canceling the creation of a physical L-Server specifying image deployment does not restore the destination
server to the state before image deployment took place.
When operations are cancelled on the last part, the physical L-Server may remain.
Delete the physical L-Server, from the [Resource] tab on the ROR console. For details on how to delete an L-Server, refer to
Association of an L-Server Name with a VM Guest Name
When installing an operating system manually on the L-Server or using the management console of server virtualization software, select
the L-Server in the orchestration tree, and operate the VM for the 
 displayed in [Resource Details].
The following name is automatically allocated for 
 is automatically set by Resource Orchestrator to avoid overlapping of names on server virtualization software if an L-Server with
For operation without 
". However, L-Servers with the same name cannot be created. Avoid using the same L-Server name more than once.
When creating an L-Server, log off ETERNUSmgr of ETERNUS storage registered on ESC.
When operating NetApp storage in cluster environments and operating a partial system due to system trouble, perform the operation
after recovering the NetApp storage and returning the system to cluster operation.
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