Quantum 3.5.1 Manuale Utente

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Chapter 2  StorNext GUI Overview
The StorNext Home Page
StorNext User’s Guide
• Enter License: Enter StorNext license information
• Add File System: Add a file system to your environment
• Add Library: Add a library or vault
• Add Tape Drive: Add tape drive
• Add Media: Add media
• Add Storage Disk: Add a storage disk
• Add Storage Policy: Add a storage policy and a directory relation 
point to a file system
• E-Mail Notification: Configure e-mail notifications for System Status 
Tickets, Backup information, and Policy Class alerts
• Add Affinity: Add an affinity to a file system
Admin Menu Options
The following Admin menu options enable you to control StorNext’s 
day-to-day operations:
• Access StorNext Logs: Access logs of StorNext operations
• User Access Control: Control user access to StorNext tasks
• Download Client Software: Download SNFS client software. (This 
procedure is described in the StorNext Installation Guide.)
• Library Operator Interface: Enter or eject media from the Library 
Operator Interface
• Remove/Move Media: Remove media from a library or move media 
from one library to another
• Run Backup: Run a backup of StorNext software
• Schedule Events: Schedule file system events including Clean Info, 
Clean Versions, Full Backup, Partial Backup, and Rebuild Policy
• Start/Stop StorNext: Start or stop the StorNext components
For more information about the StorNext Configuration 
Wizard, see 