Netgear Prosecure UTM10 UTM10EW-100EUS Scheda Tecnica

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1-888-NETGEAR (638-4327)
ProSecure™ Unified Threat 
Management Appliance  
 Data Sheet
UTM Series 
Unified Gateway Security for the SMB – Without Compromises
Viruses and malware hosted on Web pages, email phishing attacks, spam, virus infested emails, 
and other threats are now all part of a regular repertoire of sophisticated blended attacks that 
bypass traditional firewalls with ease. Small businesses have been the ones most seriously 
affected as small businesses, unlike their enterprise counterparts, often lack the time and 
resources to fully harden and secure their networks from these threats.
Moreover, such threats have signaled a change in the threat landscape: previously, threats to 
small businesses could largely be considered “push” type threats wherein hackers specifically 
targeted small businesses – a relatively rare occurrence given the prevalence of larger and 
richer targets in the medium and large business space. However, the advent of Web 2.0 
technologies and cloud computing has largely shifted the threat landscape to one characterized 
largely by “pull” attacks wherein end users use Web 2.0 and cloud computing technologies to 
“pull” threats into the organization.
Because comprehensive network security solutions require an abundance of processing power 
to examine network traffic in real time, existing SMB all-in-one security solutions often use 
rudimentary security technologies that trade comprehensiveness for speed. True security  
must satisfy the requirements in both speed and coverage.
All-in-one Network Security Without Compromise
NETGEAR ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliances combine performance with 
comprehensive security coverage. Patent-pending Stream Scanning Technology enables the 
use of an extensive virus and malware database while maintaining a high level of throughput 
and minimizing scanning induced latency. The flexible modular software design architecture 
leverages patent-pending Stream Scanning technology to scan files and data streams up 
to 5x faster than conventional methods. This architecture in turn enables ProSecure UTM to 
utilize virus and malware threat databases from NETGEAR and Sophos™ that are hundreds of 
thousands of signatures in size  - up to 200x more comprehensive than legacy small business 
UTM platforms. This architecture, combined with best-of-breed hybrid in-the-cloud Web filter 
and anti-spam technologies and with proven NETGEAR firewall and VPN functionality, form the 
ideal SMB gateway security solution. 
    Revolutionary Stream Scanning Platform  
Given the high performance requirements of scanning latency sensitive Web traffic, 
incorporating enterprise-grade security software technologies onto traditional SMB all-in-one 
platforms has been a very difficult task. That is why the NETGEAR ProSecure UTM features 
patent-pending Stream Scanning Technology which analyses data streams as they enter the 
network. The NETGEAR Stream Scanning approach is many times faster than that of more 
traditional batch-based scanning methods where the entire file is buffered before it is scanned. 
IM & P2P
Clean and secure traffic
UTM Appliance
Network Stream
Remote Users
   The NETGEAR ProSecure 
UTM Features and Highlights
• Best-of-Breed Anti-malware
 Enterprise-class malware scan engine
 Up to 200 times the coverage of 
legacy SMB all-in-one solutions
 Detects over 13 million threats
 Hourly automatic signature updates
• NETGEAR Patent Pending   
  Stream Scanning Technology
 Data streams are processed as they 
enter the network
 Low latency Web traffic scanning 
• Distributed Spam Analysis   
  Anti-spam Technology
 Hybrid in-the-cloud architecture
  Gathers threat data from over 50 
million global sources
  New spam is classified and detected   
 within minutes
  No learning period, works right out 
of the box
  Minimal false positives
  Highly adaptive all types of spam
• Distributed Web Analysis
   URL Filtering
  Next generation hybrid in-the-cloud 
URL filtering technology
  Hundreds of millions of  
 categorized URLs
  New Web sites are categorized in  
  64 categories
  User- and group-based filtering
• Zero Hour Threat Protection
  Heuristic-based detection
  Detect unknown threats at zero hour
  Limits the network’s exposure to new  
 unclassified threats