Kurzweil k2600 Manuale Supplementare

Pagina di 12
User Interface Basics
The Cursor Buttons
To the right of the display are four buttons arranged in a diamond fashion. These are called the 
cursor buttons. They move the cursor around the currently selected page, in the direction 
indicated by their labels. The cursor is a highlighted (reversed) rectangle (sometimes itÕs an 
underscore). It marks the value of the currently selected parameter.
Programming the K2600 involves selecting various parameters and changing their values. Select 
parameters by highlighting their values with the cursor. You can change the highlighted value 
with any of the data entry methods described in the data entry section below.
Below the cursor buttons is a red LED labeled MIDI. This LED ßashes whenever the K2600 
receives MIDI information from your MIDI controller.
The Chan/bank Buttons
To the left of the display are two buttons labeled 
. Their function is related to the two 
small arrowsÑ
Ñthat appear in the top line of the display when there are multiples of the 
current pageÑfor example, the LAYER pages in the Program Editor. When you see these 
arrows, you can use the 
 buttons to scroll the values of the parameter that appears to 
the right of the arrows. In Program mode, for example, they shift through the MIDI channels, 
showing the program assigned to each channel.
When youÕre in the Program Editor, the 
 buttons let you view each layer in the 
program. You can see the corresponding parameters in each layer by scrolling through the layers 
with these buttons. In the Setup Editor, the 
 buttons scroll through the zones in the 
current setup. In Quick Access mode, they scroll through the Quick Access banks, and in Song 
mode they scroll through recording tracks.
WeÕll let you know, when applicable, what the 
 buttons do.
The Edit Button
 button activates each of the K2600Õs editors, and acts as a shortcut to many pages 
within the Program Editor. Pressing the 
 button tells the K2600 that you want to change 
some aspect of the object marked by the cursor. For example, when a program is selected and 
you press 
, you enter the Program Editor. If a setup is selected, you enter the Setup Editor.
There are editors accessible from just about every operating mode. To enter an editor, choose one 
of the modes (mode selection), and press 
. An editing page for that mode will appear. You 
can then select parameters (navigation) and change their values (data entry). If the value of the 
selected parameter has its own editing page, pressing the 
 button will take you to that page. 
For example, in the Program Editor, on the PITCH page, you might see 
 assigned as the 
value for Pitch Control Source 1. If you select this parameter (the cursor will highlight its 
 in this case), then press the 
 button, youÕll jump to the page where you can 
edit the parameters of LFO1. Naturally, you can Þnd every page in the current editor by using 
the soft buttons, but often itÕs easier to use the 
 button shortcut.