Franklin skm-110 Guida Utente

Pagina di 22
Adjusting Portions
 Typing Numbers
To type numbers, press the numbered keys
(the top row of letter keys). NOTE: If you ad-
just the portions with a decimal the results may
be rounded off.
Often, the serving size that appears on screen
is different than the amount that you consumed.
In this example we will adjust the portion from
three strips of Bacon to six strips.
1. Press FOOD.
2. Highlight 
Bacon and press ENTER.
3. Press ENTER at nutritional value screen.
4. Press Y.
5. Press Y to adjust the portion.
6. Type 
2  to add two, three-strip portions
(i.e. 6 strips) to your daily total.
If you consumed 1
 slices of bacon, then you
would type 
.5 to add a  
, three-strip portion.
7. Press CLEAR when finished.