Roland JUNO-G Manuale Proprietario

Pagina di 252
Recording a Song (MIDI Track)
Before you record a new song, you must specify the time signature. 
However, a time signature of 4/4 is automatically specified when 
you perform the Song Initialize operation or when the power is 
turned on, so you will need to make this setting only if you want to 
record a new song in a different time signature.
Press EDIT [SONG] to access the MIDI TRACK screen.
Press [F3 (MICRO)].
The MICROSCOPE screen appears.
Press [F5 (CH/PART)].
The Ch/Part Select window appears.
Press [F5 (BEAT)] (beat track).
Press [F6 (CLOSE)].
The MICROSCOPE screen for the BEAT track appears.
Press [ ] [ ] to move the cursor to “Beat Change 
Numerator” or “Beat Change Denominator.”
Use the VALUE dial or [INC] [DEC] to specify the time 
If you want to change time signatures midway through the 
song, refer to 
Press [EXIT] to return to the previous screen.
Set the tempo at which the song is to be recorded.
Press [TEMPO].
The Tempo window appears.
Use the VALUE dial or [INC] [DEC] to set the playback 
• If you press [F5 (CLICK)] to add a check mark (
), a click will 
sound at the specified tempo. This will switch on/off each time 
you press the button.
• By pressing [F4 (TAP)] you can set the tempo to the timing at 
which you press the button (Tap Tempo). Press the button three 
or more times at quarter-note intervals of the desired tempo.
When you have finished making settings, press [F6 (CLOSE)].
If you want to change tempo midway through the song, refer to 
Realtime Recording is the recording method in which your keyboard 
playing and controller operations are recorded just as you perform 
them. Use this recording method when you want to capture the 
nuances of your own performance.
Make sure that the preparations for recording have been 
If you want to record into an existing song, load the desired 
song into Temporary Song (p. 115). Then press SONG 
RECORDER [BWD] or [FWD] to specify the measure at which 
you want to begin recording. The measure at which recording 
will begin is indicated by the “M=” in the upper right of each 
PLAY screen.
The [REC] indicator will blink, and the MIDI Rec Standby (Real 
Time) window appears.
As basic settings, specify the following two parameters. 
Use [
] [
] [ ] [ ] to move the cursor to each parameter, 
and use the VALUE dial or [INC] [DEC] to make the setting.
Specifying the Time Signature
Setting the Tempo
Recording Your Performance as 
You Play It (Realtime Recording)
Basic Operation for Realtime Recording
Rec Mode
Select how recording is to take place.
Mix-recording will be carried out. Normally, you will record 
using this method. If a performance has already been record-
ed on the recording-destination track, your newly recorded 
performance will be added to the existing performance with-
out erasing it. By using this in conjunction with Loop-record-
ing, you can record repeatedly over a specified area without 
erasing the previously recorded performance. For example, 
this is a convenient way to record a drum performance one 
instrument at a time; bass drum -> snare drum -> hi-hat, etc.
Replace-recording will be carried out. If a performance has 
already been recorded on the recording-destination track, it 
will be erased as you record your new performance. Use this 
when you want to re-record.
Since system exclusive messages are not erased, you’ll need 
to erase this data beforehand (p. 100). 88 ページ 2006年7月31日 月曜日 午後2時49分