Roland juno-stage Guida Utente

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Chapter 8. Detailed Editing for Patches
Repeat steps 5–8 to edit the parameters as desired.
If you decide not to save the changes you made, press [EXIT] to 
exit the PRO EDIT screen.
If you exit the PRO EDIT screen without saving, an “*” will be 
displayed in the PATCH PLAY screen of Patch mode.
If you turn off the power or select a different sound when the “*” 
is displayed, the patch settings you edited will be lost.
Here’s how to return (initialize) the settings of the currently selected 
patch to their default values.
Initialization will affect only the currently selected patch. If you 
want to return all settings to their factory-set state, execute the 
Factory Reset operation (p. 155).
In Patch mode or Performance mode, select the user patch that 
you want to initialize.
Press [EDIT].
Either press [3], or use the VALUE dial to select “PATCH EDIT” and 
press [ENTER].
The ZOOM EDIT screen will appear.
Hold down [SHIFT] and press [6 (INIT)].
A confirmation message will appear.
If you decide to cancel, press [6 (CANCEL)].
Press [7 (EXEC)] to initialize the patch.
Here’s how to copy the tone settings of a desired patch to the currently 
selected patch.
In Patch mode or Performance mode, select the copy-destination 
user patch.
Press [EDIT].
Either press [3], or use the VALUE dial to select “PATCH EDIT” and 
press [ENTER].
The ZOOM EDIT screen will appear.
Hold down [SHIFT] and press [7 (TONE CPY)].
The Patch Tone Copy window will appear.
Use the cursor buttons to move the cursor, and use the VALUE dial 
or [DEC] [INC] to select the desired “Source (copy-source)” group, 
number, and tone.
If you press [5 (COMPR)] to apply a check mark (
), you’ll be 
able to play the copy-source patch (Compare function).
Use the cursor buttons to move the cursor, and select the 
“Destination (copy-destination)” tone.
Press [7 (EXEC)].
A confirmation message will appear.
If you decide to cancel, press [6 (CANCEL)].
Press [7 (EXEC)] to execute the copy.
Initializing a Patch
Copying Patch (Tone) Settings
Compare function
When copying patch tones or saving patches, it’s often 
convenient to use the Compare function.
If you want to hear the copy-source (or save-destination) patch, 
press [5 (COMPR)] to apply a check mark (
✔); now you can use 
the keyboard to play the copy-source (or save-destination) patch.
* The patch may sound slightly different than normal when 
played via the Compare function. 96 ページ 2008年10月17日 金曜日 午後12時27分