Garmin 3600a Istruzione Sull'Installazione

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iQue 3600a Que Applications Guide
Using the QueMap Icons
With the stylus, tap the icons along the bottom of 
QueMap to perform special functions.
  Tap the Display Format icon to toggle 
between the different layout options for the 
navigation data fields in QueMap. 
  Tap the Waypoint Flag to mark your current 
location or a selected location as a waypoint.
  Tap the Information icon to display 
information about the selected location. 
  Tap the Position icon to center the map on 
your current location. In Aviation Mode, an 
airplane is the position icon; in Automotive 
Mode, it is a black triangle.
  Tap the Pan Map icon to drag the map and 
mark map items with the stylus. The panning 
arrow   appears when you are in Pan Mode.
Place the stylus on the map and drag it. The 
map moves with the stylus and shows the part 
of the map previously out of view. Lift the 
stylus to stop panning. 
When the panning arrow is visible, the map 
does not move to keep your location visible. 
To exit the panning mode and view your 
current location on the map, tap the Position 
icon  .
  Tap the View Area icon to quickly zoom into 
a specific area of the map. Touch the screen 
and drag the stylus to create a box around the 
area you would like to enlarge. Lift the stylus 
to zoom in.
   Tap the Map Scale icon to display the list 
of map scales. Tap the desired scale to 
display the map at that scale. You can also 
adjust the map scale by pressing the Up 
and Down Scroll buttons.
For additional information about QueMap, see 
beginning on 