Garmin 530 Guida Utente

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7. Rotate the small right knob to display a window of available runways. Continue rotating the small right 
knob to select the desired runway. 
NOTE: “ALL” may appear in the runway fi eld, indicating the arrival procedure applies to all run-
 ways. For airports with parallel runways, “B” may appear at the end of the runway des ig na tion to 
indicate the arrival procedure applies to both runways.
8. Press ENT. To remove the fl ashing cursor, press the small right knob.
Airport Arrival Page Options
The following option is available for the Airport Arrival Page, by pressing the MENU key:
Load into Active FPL? allows you to load the selected arrival into the active fl ight plan. This is identical 
to loading an arrival procedure from the Procedures Page, as described on page 61.
To load an arrival procedure from the Airport Arrival Page:
1.  Select the desired arrival, transition and runway using the steps above.
2. Press MENU to display the Airport Arrival Page Options.
3. Press ENT to select the “Load into Active FPL?” option.
4.  The Active Flight Plan Page appears. Press FPL to return to the Airport Arrival Page.
Loading an arrival procedure into the active fl ight plan does NOT automatically alter the active 
fl ight plan leg or direct-to navigation. Once loaded, the arrival is simply placed at the end of 
the fl ight plan. To manually transition to a loaded arrival, please see the procedure below (an 
alternative method would be to remove the fi rst occurrence of the destination airport identifi er).
To manually transition to a loaded arrival procedure:
1.  From the Active Flight Plan Page, press the small right knob to activate the cursor and scroll down through 
the list of loaded arrival waypoints.
2.  When the desired loaded arrival waypoint is highlighted, press the direct-to key, then press ENT to highlight 
the 'Activate?' prompt (note that any loaded arrival waypoint may be selected).
3. Press ENT again to confi rm activation.
STEP 7: With the “RUNWAY” fi eld highlighted, 
rotate the small right knob to select the desired 
runway. Many arrivals apply to all runways for a 
particular airport, as indicated by “ALL”.
Airport Arrivals
STEP 2 & 3: From the Airport Arrival Page, press 
MENU to display an options list. “Load into Active 
FPL?” allows you to add the arrival procedure to 
your fl ight plan for later use.
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4/11/2003, 8:53:03 AM