Garmin 530 Guida Utente

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STEP 4 (top): Rotate the small right knob to 
select the desired message type. One Time and 
Periodic messages appear when the time expires. 
Event-based messages expire at a specifi ed time 
and date.
STEP 5 (top): Use the small and large right 
knobs to enter the time or date.
Flight Planning
Flight Planning Page:  Scheduler
To enter a scheduled message:
1.  Select “Scheduler” from the Flight Planning Page, using the steps described on page 130.
2.  The fl ashing cursor highlights the fi rst message fi eld. If necessary, rotate the large right knob to highlight 
the fi rst blank message fi eld.
3. Use the small and large right knobs to enter the message text. Press ENT when fi nished. (The GNS 530 
stores up to nine scheduled messages holding 20 characters each.)
4.  The fl ashing cursor moves to the type fi eld under the new message.  Rotate the small right knob to display 
a window of available options: Event, One Time or Periodic.  Press ENT to select the highlighted option.
5.  The fl ashing cursor moves to the time (or date) fi eld. Use the small and large right knobs to set the time 
(or date) required before the message is displayed. Time is entered as hours/minutes/seconds (hhh:mm:ss). 
Event-based messages expire at a specifi ed date and time. Press ENT when fi nished entering time (or date).
To edit a scheduled message:
1.  Select “Scheduler” from the Flight Planning Page, using the steps described on page 130.
2.  The fl ashing cursor highlights the fi rst message fi eld. 
3.  To edit the message text, rotate the large right knob to highlight the desired message fi eld. Use the small
and large right knobs to edit the message text — entering the new text directly over the old message. Press 
ENT when fi nished.
4.  To edit the time fi eld, rotate the large right knob to highlight the fi eld. Use the small and large right 
knobs to edit the new date or time — entering the new value directly over the old fi gure. Press ENT when 
fi nished.
To delete a scheduled message:
1.  Select “Scheduler” from the Flight Planning Page, using the steps described on page 130.
2.  The fl ashing cursor highlights the fi rst message fi eld. Rotate the large right knob to highlight the desired 
message fi eld.
3. Press CLR to delete the message text, followed by ENT to confi rm the deletion.
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4/11/2003, 9:05:56 AM