Microtek 1000xl Manuale Di Riferimento

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84          Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh
Dynamic Range tool
The Dynamic Range tool is used to set the density capture range of the scanner
and displays the density distribution (histogram) of the image to be scanned.
The Auto range (default) feature automatically determines the Dmin (minimum
density, lighest tone) and Dmax (maximum density, darkest tone) of the image,
and sets the scanner capture range.
Select this option
to adjust the Dmin/
Dmax settings of
the RGB channels
Select this option to
adjust the Dmin/Dmax
settings of the RGB
Enter custom Dmin
setting  here
Enter custom
Dmax setting
Drag sliders to
define custom
Click to apply or revert to
automatic setting (ScanWizard
Pro algorithm) if dissatisfied
with your manual setting
Select the channel in
which you wish to
work with the image.
"All" is available if you
choose the "Keep Color
Balance" option. The
individual color
channels are available
if you choose the
"Adjust Color Balance"
option. .