Revel f30 Guida Utente

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Revel utilizes proprietary measurement methods in the design and
specification of our loudspeakers. Our research has developed a
series of tests that represent a great leap forward in making mea-
surements that dramatically contribute to our goal of accurately
reproducing music or film.
87 dB SPL, with 2.83 Vrms @ 1 m 
(4 pi anechoic)
Sensitivity provides an indication of how much amplifier power is
required for the loudspeaker to play at satisfactory volume levels.
This conservatively-rated specification indicates moderate sensitivity
and denotes that a REVEL PERFORMA F30 loudspeaker does not
require huge amplifiers to achieve realistic levels in all but the
largest rooms.
6 ohms (nominal), 3 ohms (minimum) 
Impedance indicates whether the speaker system presents a
“hard” or “easy” load on the amplifier. A minimum impedance
value of 3 ohms, together with moderate phase angles, signifies
that any competently-designed amplifier can easily drive a
REVEL PERFORMA F30 loudspeaker.  
Filters (Crossover):
3-way, 24 dB per octave, (4th-order) acoustic 
response at 220 Hz and 2.8 kHz
The steep filter slopes ensure good acoustical behavior in the cross-
over regions, with a minimum of acoustical interference, along with
low distortion and wide dynamic range. The filters feature specially
selected components. Woofer and tweeter filter boards are physically
independent and include a provision for bi-amping or bi-wiring.
Frequency Responses:
In-Room Response;
1 dB from 33 Hz to 16 kHz  
In-room response is a breakthrough measurement that, in a single
curve, closely correlates to sound quality and has been a goal of
loudspeaker engineers for years. Research, and simple observation,
reveals that ubiquitous “on-axis” response curves often cannot distin-
guish between two loudspeakers with radically different sound quali-
ty. This specification  for the REVEL PERFORMA F30 loudspeak-
er is even more powerful when it is taken in context with the other
measurements presented here.
In-Room Response Relative to Target Response;
0.75 dB from 34 Hz to 20 kHz
A target response is the ideal response goal and is not flat at the fre-
quency extremes and is used when the ideal reference is not a “flat”
line.  A target response must be tailored to the loudspeaker’s intended
application and takes into account the acoustic impact of the loud-
speaker’s location, such as freestanding, or placement near a wall.  
First-Reflections Response;
1 dB from 33 Hz to 15 kHz  
First reflections response is a measure of the response a listener
hears that is contributed by the first reflections from the walls,
floor, and ceiling. This superb specification indicates that REVEL
PERFORMA F30 loudspeaker will remain accurate, even in the
presence of strong reflections. 
Owner’s Manual