Bunn WAVE15-APS Guida Utente

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Page 13
FIG 12
FIG 11
The use of a damp cloth rinsed in any mild, non-abrasive, liquid detergent is recommended for cleaning all 
surfaces on Bunn-O-Matic equipment.
1.  Remove the brew funnel.
2.  Remove the sprayhead by turning it counterclockwise with your fingertips.
3.  Disassemble sprayhead by removing rubber gasket. 
4.  Check the holes in the sprayhead. If plugged by lime, they may be cleared using a toothpick. Rinse the 
sprayhead with water.
5.  Reassemble the sprayhead according to FIG 11. NOTE: Verify the indents are aligned. (ARROWS)
6.  Reinstall the sprayhead by turning it clockwise. Hand tighten only!
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