Avaya 18d Guida Alla Connessione

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Using AT&TSet
when you write the Personal Speed Dial List to your telephone. As soon
as you add or modify any of the information in the Personal Speed Dial
List, an "x" appears automatically in the Use checkbox.
When you are finished programming your Personal Speed Dial List,
select the OK button.
Programming the System Speed Dial List
AT&TSet enables the System Manager to program the System Speed Dial List.
For each speed dial code in the list, you may enter the number to be dialed
and an associated label. When you write the System Speed Dial List to your
telephone, only the telephone numbers are written to the telephone. The
associated labels are just for your reference (that is, to help you easily identify
the person or business associated with the telephone number). The labels are
printed when you print the System Speed Dial List. Refer to your PARTNER
quick reference for more information regarding the System Speed Dial List and
the special dialing characters you may use.
This procedure can be performed only from a system
administration extension. If there are two system administration
extensions, both extensions share the System Speed Dial List. If
one system administration extension edits this list and writes it to
the telephone, the other extension’s current list will be inaccurate.
You should read this information at your extension.
To program the System Speed Dial List:
1 .
System Speed Dial List. . . 
from the programming menu.
The System Speed Dial List dialog box appears.