Suunto advizor Guida Utente

Pagina di 470
Lower point
Higher point
Set reference altitude (real altitude)
3280 ft
Displayed altitude
9840 ft
Real outside temperature
 +36.3 ºF
 +18.9 ºF
Normal (table) temperature
 +47.3 ºF
 +23.9 ºF
Temperature difference (= real - normal)
 -9 ºF
 -5 ºF
Sum of temperature offsets
-9 ºF + -5 ºF = -14 ºF
Table 3. Example using feet and Fahrenheit.
Battery Replacement Kit (including battery and battery lid)
Watch Straps in plastic.
Extension strap in plastic
Bezel (Available only in Suunto Oy during maintenance)
Suunto Oy provides moderate-priced Wristop Computer service to its customers. Batteries are usually available in sport
and watch shops etc.