LG LAHVSG40GD0 Guida Utente

Pagina di 33
Owner’s Manual
After Use
Items to Check before Notifying Failure
If you suspect defects on the product, check the following items before calling the service center for repair.
Symptom Checking
Water in the water tank is 
evaporated at slow rate or 
not evaporated.
• Is the moisture disk correctly installed? 
•  Assemble the moisture disk in such a way 
that the gears of the disk are aligned with the 
assembling section of the body.
•  Is the moisture disk seriously contaminated by 
foreign substances?
• Clean the moisture disk.
Humidity does not rise.
• Is the water tank fi lled with water?
• Fill the water tank with water.
•  Does it rain or is the indoor temperature kept low? •  Humidity volume is kept low, and water in the 
water tank is reduced at slow rate.
Indication of the current 
humidity on the product is 
different from indication on 
other hygrometer.
•  Indication of humidity may vary dependent upon 
position of the product even in a same space.
The water tank is filled with 
water; but Low Water Level 
indicator lights.
•  Is the metal section of the water tank clogged 
with foreign substances?
•  Clean the water tank, and remove scale or 
foreign materials from the metal section.
• Is the top body correctly seated?
• Mount the top body at correct position.
Abnormal odor is 
generated from the outlet.
• Is water in the water tank contaminated?
•  Clean the water tank and the moisture disk, and 
then fi ll the tank with water again.
• Is the moisture disk contaminated?
• Clean the moisture disk.
• Set Auto Drying function.
•  Is the odor smelled at initial operation of the product? •  Then, the odor is not harmful to health. (The odor 
is same as in case when you purchase a new car.)
Significant noise is 
• Do you use the product on a fl at surface?
•  Using the product on a slope may cause abnormal noise.
•  Is the any object interrupting operation of the 
product in the vicinity of or on the product?
•  Change place of the product, or remove object 
interrupting fl ow of air.
• Is the moisture disk correctly mounted?
•  Inadequate disassembling/assembling of the 
moisture disk may generate abnormal noise.
•  Is there foreign metal object or foreign substance 
in the outlet?
•  Foreign materials in the outlet may cause 
abnormal noise.