Sony PCV-RX580 Manuale

Pagina di 93
SonicStage Software
Additional features
SonicStage Tutorial — SonicStage features are described in the Tutorial. 
The user-friendly interface instructs you on how to use all SonicStage 
SonicStage Backup Tool — You can back up and restore music, graphics, 
and information data managed by SonicStage. You must be connected to the 
Internet to use the SonicStage Backup Tool.
Import audio files in various formats — You can import audio files in 
various formats, such as MP3 or WAV standards. You can also import audio 
files that comply with the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Technologies 
(WMT) standard, identified by .asf or .wma extensions. Manage your audio 
files through the Playlist feature of SonicStage.
Manage imported songs on the Playlist — Additional features are 
available when you register your imported songs through the Playlist feature 
of SonicStage. You can manage your music by creating your own list of 
songs categorized by genre or artist, displaying your song list in the Playlist 
feature, and arranging your songs in a customized order using the Playlist 
folders. Edit your music by combining multiple songs into a single song, or 
divide one song into two, by using the Combine and Divide features.
Simple mode — The main SonicStage window viewed in Simple mode, is a 
smaller, compact version of Full mode. This may be convenient when you 
want to listen to music with SonicStage software, while using other 
applications, or whenever you feel the Full mode view is intrusive. The 
design of the main SonicStage window in simple mode can be changed by 
selecting a new “Skin,” which enhances the window’s appearance. The 
Simple mode feature enables you to perform playback operations only.