Canon EOS 7D Mark II Wi-Fi Adapter Kit Manuale

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Emphasize Distance
This converts the image to an “equidistant projection" style image. 
This projection method preserves distance relationships.
Equidistant projection displays a distance in the same distance 
anywhere from the center to the periphery. In particular, when 
shooting a celestial body such as the celestial sphere, same heights
above the horizon (declination) are captured at the same heights. 
This method is therefore used in such photography as celestial 
photography (star maps, solar path diagrams, etc.).
Emphasize Periphery
This converts the image to a “stereographic projection” style image. 
This projection method emphasizes the periphery.
Stereographic projection allows position relationships on a spherical 
surface, such as N, S, E, W on a map, to be displayed correctly. It is 
therefore used for world maps and monitoring cameras.
By selecting this option, the periphery is stretched and may result in 
decreased resolution. 
Emphasize Center
This converts the image to an “orthogonal projection” style image. 
With this projection method, the center is more emphasized.
Since an orthogonal projection allows a subject of the same 
brightness to be displayed as occupying the same area in the image, 
this method has typical uses in photography for celestial luminance 
distributions and center-emphasized animal photography. By 
selecting this option, the center is stretched and may result in 
decreased resolution.
While selecting any of the options [Emphasize Linearity], 
[Emphasize Distance], [Emphasize Periphery], or [Emphasize 
Center] will yield results similar to each of the projection methods, 
the conversion does not exactly apply each projection method in 
their precise sense.
Accordingly, care should be taken since they are not suited to 
scientific or other such purposes.