Xerox Paris, a document system Support & Software Guida Utente

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Chapter 22: The Color Palette function
The PARIS Designer32 Reference Manual
What Color Palettes are available?
As well as the default color palette (Default.Pal), Paris Designer offers Blue, Green
and Red palettes and Blueshade, Greenshade, Redshade and Greyscale palettes. Any
of these palettes can be loaded into the Environment or Form Editors.
These palettes will only work on PostScript printers.
What is the purpose of these palettes?
Apart from the Default color palette, which can be used to mix your own colors, the
purpose of the remaining palettes is to provide an alternative to the three density
system (or fill attributes) of light, medium and dark currently available in Paris
which, although they can  have color added to them, they do not provide a solid
Using these palettes and the Solid fill attribute for an element, a solid, consistent
color of any shade or density can be achieved.
For example, a box with a Light fill to which a color has been added will 
not print
as a solid shade but will print with a grainy texture. However, if a Solid fill is
chosen for the box, then a color from one of the palettes, the color 
will print with a
solid texture.