Xerox DPServer - AIX (also known as EOMS P-Services) Support & Software Dépliant

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Accounting Option
The server-resident component that compiles statistics related to host,
server, and printer performance.
Advanced Function Presentation
An IBM architecture that enables documents to be presented in a
variety of ways, including printed documents.
centralized printer
see production printer
checkpoint restart
A capability whereby checks are taken at predefined intervals (for
example, every 100 pages, or every 2 minutes) during transmission of
a data stream to a server. In the event of a system crash or a
transmission failure, data transmission is resumed from the point at
which the last check was taken.
A software component residing on one computer that makes requests
to server software running on another computer. Also used in this
guide to refer to systems that make requests of DPServer.
client/server architecture
An architecture that distributes software functions and services
between two computers.
client/server solutions
Open document services offered by Xerox that enable intelligent
document delivery, printing, and management between a client and a
remote server.
configurator file
An X-PREP file that invokes specific printer and document formatting
functions based on data in the job stream.
An exchange of information between DPServer client software and
DPServer software. Uploading SMF records from DPServer to XPSC-
MVS is an example of a conversation.
data stream
The content of a job transmission (or stream of data) between the
computer and printer. Data streams can be in various formats,
including line mode, DJDE, XES, PostScript, and PCL.
decentralized printer
see distributed printer
distributed printer
A low-volume printer that is generally remotely-attached to the host.
document formatting
Defining the visual structure and components of a document.
The collection of client-resident and server-resident software
components that enable users to print and manage documents at a
remote site. Also used throughout this document to refer to an
RS/6000 running DPServer for the IBM RS/6000.
The server-resident component of DPServer that communicates with
for the IBM RS/6000
DPServer clients to accept jobs for printing and provides extensive job
(DPServer for the IBM RS/6000)
and printer control capabilities at the server.
DPServer General Information Guide