Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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Hence in this deployment data is collected differently; for example:
A task (call) that comes into the Call Manager then gets transferred to the VRU and then
back to an agent looks like a single task (call) to the ICM/IPCC software and a single
Termination_Call_Detail is written.
A task (call) is considered as offered to a skill group when the task (call) is queued to a skill
Note: IP-IVR is the only IVR supported by the IPCC System PG.
About Skill Groups
A skill group is a collection of agents at a single contact center who share a common set of
competencies and can handle the same types of requests. Each skill group belongs to a Media
Routing Domain. You can report on agents individually or report on all of the agents in one or
more skill groups to monitor agent performance. You can also report on skill groups as a whole
to see how the skill group is performing compared to other skill groups. You might use this
level of reporting, for example, to see if calls are being distributed evenly by your routing scripts
and configuration.
About Enterprise Skill Groups
An enterprise skill group is a collection of skill groups. While each individual skill group is tied
to a specific peripheral, an enterprise skill group can span peripherals. For example, you may
have a skill group called Boston_Sales on one peripheral and a skill group called NewYork_Sales
on another peripheral. You could create a Sales enterprise skill group to organize these two skill
groups for reporting purposes. The software can simply total some statistics to obtain
enterprise-wide values. For example, to obtain the number of agents available in an enterprise
skill group, the software adds the number of agents available in each member peripheral skill
If you consolidate skill groups from the same peripheral into an enterprise skill group, you will
see double-counting of some metrics in your reports.
About Agent Teams
An agent team is a group of related agents associated with a single peripheral. Agent teams are
associated with a primary supervisor and can be associated with one or more secondary
supervisors. You can report on agent teams to monitor the performance of a particular team.
Supervisors might find these reports useful to monitor the agents that they supervise.
About Media Classes and Media Routing Domains
If you have deployed Cisco Collaboration Server or Cisco E-Mail Manager in your Cisco IPCC
system, agents can be configured to receive requests from multiple media channels, including
voice, Web, and e-mail. A Media Class represents a combination, or a single instance, of media
Reporting Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.0(0)
Chapter 1: Planning the IPCC Enterprise System to Meet Reporting Needs
Reporting Concepts