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First, it is important to understand the relationship between call types and skill groups that
are defined through your scripts. In Cisco IPCC Enterprise, you have the flexibility to
define many to many relationships between call types and skill groups. If this is the case,
the skill group Service Level statistics will reflect call counts from all the call types.
Second, call type Service Level and associated skill group Service Level statistics are not
expected to balance. As described earlier, a skill group can receive calls from different
call types, hence the skill group Service Level statistics reflect call counts from different
call types. Call type metrics are incremented differently depending on your scripting. For
example, if a call disconnects for any reason before it reaches the Queue to Skill Group
node, the call is included in the calculation of Service Level for the call type but not the
skill group.
Third, determine how abandoned calls are to impact the Service Level. You decide whether
abandoned calls are ignored in the Service Level calculation, negatively affect Service
Level, or positively affect Service Level.
Fourth, in Cisco IPCC Enterprise calls can queue to more than one skill group, and therefore
Service Level metrics are updated for each skill group to which a single call queues.
Abandon calls in this scenario could have a negative impact on the skill group service
levels. For example, if a single call is queued to multiple skill groups and the call abandons,
this impacts Service Level metrics for Offered and abandon for all those skill groups.
You can configure the Service Level setting individually for each skill group, or globally for
skill groups grouped by MRD or peripheral. For System IPCC deployments, you set the
global Service Level grouped by MRD only.
Planning for Enterprise Skill Group Reporting
Determine which skill groups you want to group into an enterprise skill group. These skill groups
might be from several peripherals and/or from different media. For example, you may have a
skill group called Boston_Sales on one peripheral and a skill group called NewYork_Sales on
another peripheral. You could create an Enterprise skill group called Enterprise_Sales.
If you group skill groups from the same peripheral into an Enterprise skill group, you will see
double-counting of some metrics in your reports.
If you are using an IPCC Gateway deployment, in which Cisco IPCC Enterprise acts as an IP
ACD to a parent ICM Enterprise system, decide which skill groups on the Cisco IPCC Enterprise
system are to be grouped into enterprise skill groups as the parent level. Refer to the Cisco IPCC
Gateway Deployment Guide
 for more information about IPCC Gateway deployment and
Reporting Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.0(0)
Chapter 1: Planning the IPCC Enterprise System to Meet Reporting Needs
Planning for Enterprise Skill Group Reporting