Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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Table 9: Scenario 5: Routable (busy on non-interruptible task)
ICM/IPCC software does not assign a multi-session chat task to
the agent, since the agent is working on a non-interruptible task
The agent is logged into two MRDs, multi-session
chat and voice.
in the voice MRD. The agent is Not Available in the multi-session
The agent is routable in the multi-session chat MRD. chat MRD even though the agent is Not Active in multi-session
chat skill groups.
The agent is assigned a voice call in the voice MRD.
Table 10: Scenario 6: Routable (busy on interruptible task)
ICM/IPCC software can assign a voice call to the agent, since
the agent is working on an interruptible task in the e-mail
MRD. The agent is ICM Available in Voice MRD.
The agent is logged into two MRDs, e-mail and voice.
The agent is routable in the e-mail MRD.
The agent is assigned a task in the e-mail MRD
MultiChannel Reporting Data
The ICM/IPCC databases store information about agent activity and tasks routed by ICM/IPCC
software, including tasks that are submitted to ICM/IPCC software by the Web Collaboration
Option or E-Mail Manager Option. Reports contain a Media field, when appropriate, to identify
the MRD of each task included in the report.
The following table describes major differences between voice and non-voice tasks in reports.
Non-voice tasks include single-session chat, multi-session chat, e-mail, and blended collaboration.
Table 11: Report Data for Multi-Channel Options
Data for Non-Voice Tasks
Data for Voice Tasks
Type of
Task direction is always incoming, and values of report fields
pertaining to outgoing non-voice tasks are set to null.
Task direction can be both incoming (agent
receives call) and outgoing (agent places
Note that calls placed by Cisco Outbound
Option appear as incoming calls because of
the manner in which the Outbound Option
Dialer places calls between agents and
Non-voice tasks do not change session ownership. These
tasks cannot be transferred or conferenced, and supervisors
cannot barge into or intercept the task.
The ownership of a voice task can change
through the life of the call. Agents can
transfer the call, conference in another agent
or supervisor, and request supervisor
Reporting Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.0(0)
Chapter 2: Understanding Cisco IPCC Reporting Architecture
Reporting in a MultiChannel Environment