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Figure 66: ICM - Check Range of PGs that Can be Used
Step 8
In the Peripheral Gateway Devices box, be sure you have at least 2 devices indicated. If not
enter 1-2 in this box, indicating that ICM should use PGs in the range 1 through 2.
Note: If you are using the ICM installation for other purposes, and require additional PGs, adjust
the number in the Peripheral Gateway Devices box accordingly, ensuring that you have 2 PGs
for this exercise. Be sure to enter a range, not a single digit.
Step 9
Click Next until you get to the summary screen. On the summary screen, click Next, and allow
the system to perform its configuration.
Step 10
Select Yes, start the ICM Node Manager and click Finish to complete the setup wizard.
Step 11
Click Exit Setup to close the setup window.
Define the VRU on ICM
Define the Voice Response Unit on the ICM system. Use the values listed in the steps below.
The VRU name is needed when you define the peripheral gateway, later in this section.
Step 1
Log in to your ICM server using VNC viewer or a similar program.
Step 2
On your ICM server, double-click the ICM Admin Workstation icon to open the workstation
The workstation folder opens displaying a number of management tools.
Step 3
Double-click Service Control and verify that the following services are running:
Getting Started with Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 8.0(0)
Chapter 9: Comprehensive Call Flow Model Exercise
Section C: Install a Peripheral Gateway Between CVP and ICM