Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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Make Sure Data is Secure
Ensure data is secure by the following practices:
Unified CVP offers administrators the ability to choose not to persist sensitive ECC data in
the database. Users define ECC variables in Unified ICME and by default they are not
persisted in the Unified CVP database.
The Caller_input and FromExtVXML ECC variables are subject to many
application-dependent uses. For security purposes, flag these two variables as not persistent
in Unified ICME 7.1(1). If there is anything in them that must be stored, the routing script
can copy the data to an appropriate variable for storage in the database.
Users can reduce the data generated by means of data filters (for VXML Server application
detail data filtering, see 
). Either adding more exclusive filters, or using fewer inclusive filters, would cut down
on the amount of data stored
Users can turn off logging of sensitive data containing caller’s responses on a per-element
basis. The caller’s input, such as set of digits representing Social Security number of credit
card number, can be set not to be logged, providing a security layer in case logs are
Note: Passwords on the Reporting Server must be created as part of the Unified CVP installation
or by means of the Operations Console. Updating of passwords must be done via the Operations
Console. Do not use any other means to create or update passwords.
Reporting passwords are subject to both the Unified CVP password policy and the password
policy enforced by the operating system of the computer on which the Reporting Server resides.
For each aspect of the password, the Reporting password must meet the requirement of the more
restrictive policy.
Filtering Data to be Stored in the Database
Users can reduce the data generated by means of data filters (for VXML Server application
detail data filtering, see 
Either adding more exclusive filters, or using fewer inclusive filters, would cut down on the
amount of data stored.
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 7.0(1)
Chapter 8: Reporting Best Practices
Make Sure Data is Secure