Cisco Cisco MediaSense Release 9.1(1) Guida Alla Progettazione

Pagina di 39
Recording for 
CUBE Calls
Recording for 
CUBE Calls 
General Flow - Streaming Media
Live monitoring is accomplished when a workstation running a streaming media player sends an RTSP:// URI to Cisco MediaSense,
specifying an active media address; the RTP media stream is then established between Cisco MediaSense and the player. This stream is
actually a 
 of one of the streams that Cisco MediaSense is receiving from the phone. The media does not come from the disk.
Playback is initiated when a workstation running a streaming media player sends an RTSP:// URI to Cisco MediaSense, specifying an
"archive" media address. The resulting media stream between Cisco MediaSense and the player is read from the disk.
Live monitoring and playback call flows are illustrated below. (Again, these figures are illustrative only and are not intended to show the
detailed message flow.) Notice that these flows also show how authentication takes place.  The Cisco MediaSense Media Service is the
software component within each node which is responsible for handling streaming media.