Cisco Cisco Agent Desktop 8.5 Guida Utente

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Phone Book
3. Click OK.
The new phone book is saved and the Phone Book Editor dialog box closes.
To add phone book entries:
1. In the Phone Book window, choose the phone book you want to edit from the 
drop-down list, and then click Edit.
The Phone Book Editor dialog box appears.
2. Enter a name, phone number, and note (optional) for a person or company, 
and then click Add to add the information to the phone book.
The Phone Number field allows only the characters 0–9, aA–zZ, ‘ ( ) + ; / : . = 
? and a space. If you enter any other character you are advised you used a 
disallowed character. The disallowed character will be replaced by a question 
mark so you can change it to an allowed character.
3. Repeat Step 2 as needed to enter all entries to the phone book. When all 
entries are completed, click OK.
Your entries are saved and the Phone Book Editor dialog box closes.
To edit phone book entries:
1. In the Phone Book window, choose the phone book you want to edit from the 
drop-down list, and then click Edit.
The Phone Book Editor dialog box appears.
2. Choose an entry in the phone book, and then take one of these actions:
Click Edit to modify the entry
Click Delete to delete the entry
3. When all edits are completed, click OK.
Your changes are saved and the Phone Book Editor dialog box closes.