Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5 Guida Dello Sviluppatore

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CTI OS Developer’s Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Cisco CTI OS Release 7.2(1)
Chapter 4      Building Your Application
Connecting to the CTI OS Server
When successful, the SetMessageFilter() method generates the following events:
With IPCC only, OnQueryAgentStateConf() for each team and each agent logged in
OnSnapshotDeviceConf() for each device
How to Deal with Failover In Monitor Mode
The CTI OS CIL does not support failover for Monitor mode. Agents in monitor mode cannot recover 
their state after a failover. Furthermore, after a failover, the CTI OS CIL may leak Call objects.
To deal with failover in Monitor mode:
Step 1
When the application detects a failover, for example, in a CTIOSFailure() event indicating a connection 
failure or an offline component, wait until the CIL has failed over and everything is back online and the 
CIL is connected to CTI OS. 
The Monitor mode application is responsible for determining when all required servers are online. You 
can do this by monitoring OnCtiosFailure() events and keeping track of system status changes as they 
Step 2
Use the Disconnect() method to disconnect the session from CTI OS.
Step 3
Follow the steps starting at the beginning of the section 
Create a session instance.
Set the event listener.
Set connection parameters.
Call the Connect() method.
Set the connection mode in the OnConnection() event handler.
Settings Download
One of the many useful features of CTI OS is the ability to configure settings for the Agent Desktop once 
on the server and have them be available to all agent desktops via the RequestDesktopSettings() 
method. Any changes can be made once on the server instead of changing each and every desktop. 
Settings download can be considered as part of the process of setting up a connection that the client 
application will use. 
Desktop settings are stored in the registries on the machine(s) running CTI OS Server. Centralizing the 
desktop settings on the server streamlines the process of changing or updating the agent desktop. A 
settings download every time a client application connects ensures that all the desktops are based on the 
same settings.
Downloading settings from CTI OS Server can be done after connecting and setting the mode via the 
 method on the Session object. The 
 event indicates success and also returns the settings which are 
now available to the client application in the form of properties on the Session object. These properties 
can be accessed via the GetValue() methods. Refer to Chapter 9 for a list of all the properties of the 
Session object.