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FireSIGHT eStreamer Integration Guide
Chapter 2      Understanding the eStreamer Application Protocol
  Understanding eStreamer Communication Stages
Accepting Data from eStreamer
The eStreamer server does not keep a history of the events it sends. Your client application must check 
for duplicate events, which can inadvertently occur for a number of reasons. For example, when starting 
up a new streaming session, the time specified by the client as the starting point for the new session can 
have multiple messages, some of which may have been sent in the previous session and some of which 
were not. eStreamer sends all message that meet the specified request criteria. Your application should 
detect any resulting duplicates.
During periods of inactivity, eStreamer sends periodic null messages to the client to keep the connection 
open. If it receives an error message from the client or an intermediate host, it closes the connection.
eStreamer transmits requested data to the client differently, depending on the request mode.
Event Stream Requests
If the client submits an event stream request, eStreamer returns data message by message. It may send 
multiple messages in a row without waiting for a client acknowledgment. At a certain point, it pauses 
and waits for the client. The client operating system buffers received data and lets the client process it 
at its own pace.
If the client request includes a request for metadata, eStreamer sends the metadata first. The client should 
store it in memory to be available when processing the event records that follow.
Extended Requests
If the client submits an extended request, eStreamer queues up messages and sends them in bundles. 
eStreamer may send multiple bundles in a row without waiting for a client acknowledgment. At a certain 
point, it pauses and waits for the client. The client operating system buffers received data and lets the 
client read it off at its own pace.
The client unpacks each bundle, message by message, and uses the lengths of the records and the blocks 
to parse each message. The overall message length in each message header can be used to calculate when 
the end of each message has been reached, and the overall bundle length can be used to know when the 
end of the bundle is reached. The bundle requires no index of its contents to be correctly parsed.
For information about the message bundling mechanism, see 
For information about the null message that the client can use for additional flow control, see 
Terminating Connections
The eStreamer server attempts to send an error message before closing the connection. For information 
on error messages, see 
The eStreamer server can close a client connection for the following reasons:
Any time sending a message results in an error. This includes both event data messages and the null 
keep-alive message eStreamer sends during periods of inactivity.
An error occurs while processing a client request.