Cisco Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0(17)S

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Multilink Frame Relay (FRF.16)
Cisco IOS Release 12.0(17)S
BID—bundle identification. BID is the name used to identify the bundle. The BID can be assigned or 
the default can be used.
bundle—A logical grouping of one or more physical interfaces using the formats and procedures of 
multilink Frame Relay. A bundle emulates a physical interface to the Frame Relay data-link layer. The 
bundle is also referred to as a virtual interface and mfr interface.
bundle link—An individual physical interface that is a member of a bundle.
DLCI—data-link connection identifier. Value that identifies a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) in Frame 
Relay network.
FRF2.1 Annex 1—Frame Relay Forum standard that provides a signaling protocol for permanent virtual 
circuit (PVC) monitoring at the NNI for a Frame Relay switching network. FRF2.1 Annex 1 generates 
notification when an event occurs that changes status; when an event occurs, it generates immediate 
hello message—Message that notifies a peer endpoint that the local endpoint is in the operational state 
hello acknowledgment—Message that notifies a peer endpoint that a hello message has been received.
LID—link identification. LID is the name used to identify a bundle link. The LID can be assigned or the 
default can be used.
LMI—Local Management Interface. Set of enhancements to the basic Frame Relay specification. LMI 
includes support for a keepalive mechanism, which verifies that data is flowing; a multicast mechanism, 
which provides the network server with its local DLCI and the multicast DLCI; global addressing, which 
gives DLCIs global rather than local significance in Frame Relay networks; and a status mechanism, 
which provides an ongoing status report on the DLCIs known to the switch. 
NNI—Network-to-Network Interface. The interface between two Frame Relay devices that are both 
located in a private network or both located in a public network. 
UNI—User-to-Network Interface. The interface between a Frame Relay device in a public network and 
a Frame Relay device in a private network.