Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance X1070 Guida Utente

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Cisco AsyncOS 8.5.5 for Email Security User Guide
Chapter 3      Setup and Installation
  Preparing for System Setup
Keep in mind that the initial connection method is not final. This process applies only for the initial 
configuration. You can change network settings at a later time to allow different connection methods. 
 for more information.) You can also create 
multiple user accounts with differing administrative privileges to access the appliance. (For more 
information, see 
Determining Network and IP Address Assignments
You can use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. 
Default IP Addresses for Management and Data Ports 
The IP address that is pre-configured on the Management port (on X1060/1070, C660/670, and 
C360/370 appliances) or the Data 1 port (on C160/170 appliances) is
Choosing Network Connections to Receive and Deliver Email 
Most users take advantage of the two Data Ethernet ports on the Email Security appliance by connecting 
to two networks from the appliance:
The private network accepts and delivers messages to your internal systems.
The public network accepts and delivers messages to the Internet.
Other users may want to use only one Data port serving both functions. Although the Management 
Ethernet port can support any function, it is preconfigured for access to the graphical user interface and 
the command line interface.
Binding Logical IP Addresses to Physical Ethernet Ports
You can segregate incoming and outgoing email traffic over separate listeners and on separate IP 
addresses. You can use Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and version 6 (IPv6) addresses. However, the 
System Setup Wizard on the appliance supports initial configuration of the following configurations:
2 separate listeners on 2 logical IPv4 and 2 IPv6 addresses configured on separate physical 
segregates incoming and outgoing traffic
you can assign an IPv4 and an IPv6 address to each listener
1 listener on 1 logical IPv4 address configured on one physical interface
combines both incoming and outgoing traffic
you can assign both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address to the listener
The Email Security appliance can support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on single listener. The listener 
will accept mail on both the addresses. All settings on a listener apply to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Choosing Network Settings for Your Connections
You will need the following network information about each Ethernet port that you choose to use: