Cisco Cisco Aironet 350 Wireless LAN Client Adapter Guida Informativa

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use on channels 52 through 64.
Q. What kind of antenna does the CB20A Card support?
A. The CB20A Client Adapters come with an integrated, permanently attached non−diversity
antenna that contains two antenna ports: one for transmitting and one for receiving. The card
cannot switch and sample between the ports. The antenna is housed within the section of the
card that hangs out of the cardbus slot when the card is installed.
Wireless Networking Issues
Q. The client adapter is unable to connect to the network. How is this
issue resolved?
A. Use these instructions if your client adapter fails to associate to the access point:
Verify that the client adapter is enabled for your Macintosh Network Preferences
Verify that the Macintosh Network TCP/IP settings are correct for the client adapter.
Q. Can I run two computers together without an access point?
A. Yes, it is possible to run two computers together without an access point. This mode of
operation is called ad−hoc mode.
Ad−hoc mode is an 802.11 networking framework where devices or stations communicate
directly with each other, without the use of an access point. Ad−hoc mode is also referred to
as peer−to−peer mode or an Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS). Ad−hoc mode is useful
for establishing a network where wireless infrastructure does not exist or where services are
not required.
In order to enable this ad−hoc mode, go to the Advanced Properties window of the Aironet
Client Utility and locate the Network Type field.
This Network Type specifies the type of network in which your client adapter is installed.
DefaultComputer to access point.
Network TypeComputer to Computer also referred to as ad−hoc or peer to peer.
Used to set up a small network between two or more wireless devices. For example,
an ad−hoc network could be set up between computers in a conference room so users
can share information in a meeting.
Computer to Access PointAlso referred to as infrastructure. Used to set up a
connection to a wired Ethernet network (through an access point).
Q. What are the devices with which the CB20A Card can interoperate?
A. This card interoperates with other IEEE 802.11a−compliant client devices in ad−hoc
mode, or with Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Points (with a 5−GHz radio) and other IEEE
802.11a−compliant infrastructure devices in infrastructure mode.