Cisco Cisco Aironet 350 Wireless LAN Client Adapter

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Release Notes for Cisco Aironet 802.11a/b/g Client Adapters (CB21AG and PI21AG) Install Wizard 1.1
CSCee14610—PEAP authentication attempts fail for users with zero-length passwords
PEAP authentication attempts fail for users with zero-length passwords. To work around this 
problem, set up a Windows password that contains at least one character.
CSCec39604—EAP-TLS authentication attempts fail for users with zero-length passwords
EAP-TLS authentication attempts fail for users with zero-length passwords. To work around this 
problem, set up a Windows password that contains at least one character.
Resolved Caveats
Resolved Driver Caveats
The following caveats are resolved in CB21AG and PI21AG client adapter driver 1.1.
CSCee31228—Client cannot associate while guest mode enabled on VLAN
A client adapter that is using the Windows’s XP Wireless Configuration Manager cannot associate 
when guest mode is enabled on the VLAN.
CSCed77211—Driver conflict may cause blue screen
A driver conflict with the Microsoft Wireless Configuration Manager may cause the 
DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error to appear and a blue screen to occur.
CSCee13817 and CSCee27331—Client fails to reach SNA server on initial boot-up
Clients that are using an SNA application may fail to reach the SNA server on initial boot-up. 
However, the clients can reach the SNA server on subsequent boots.
CSCed80994—Authentication fails when access point is configured for CCKM and 40- or 128-bit 
The client adapter fails to authenticate to access points that are configured for CCKM and 40- or 
128-bit WEP. If you change the access point’s configuration to TKIP or CKIP, the client adapter 
authenticates successfully.
CSCed84100—Windows may fail to load after ADU installation
After you install ADU and your computer reboots, a winlogon.exe failure may occur and cause your 
computer to reboot again. In some circumstances, a reboot cycle may occur without the 
winlogon.exe notification.
CSCed84477—Inability to browse to Novell NDS server with MIC enabled
When MIC is enabled on the access point, the client adapter cannot browse to the Novell NDS 
CSCed78930 and CSCee01822—Novell login timing issue
A Novell timing issue causes the following errors: “Cannot find tree or server,” “Cannot log into 
network,” “No Novell servers could be found,” etc. These errors occur because the Novell login is 
attempted prior to the IP address being received. This issue extends to any network login that 
requires connectivity before login.