Cisco Cisco Process Orchestrator 3.0 Guida Utente

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Cisco Process Orchestrator User Guide
Chapter 8      Working with Events and Triggers
  Debugging Process Trigger Instances
Debugging Process Trigger Instances
Use the Process Editor to view the process triggers. The Triggers tab in the Properties panel displays the 
triggers associated with the process and each trigger’s target.
To debug process trigger instances:
Review the product's auditing log (choose Operations > Auditing > System) for any errors that the 
server or adapters might have experienced while monitoring for an event.
If a process contains a trigger, use the Process Editor to view the trigger criteria that the adapter will 
be monitoring. In the Process Instance view, you can see the specific occurrence of the trigger that 
caused the specific process instance to execute.
One debugging technique is to create a new separate process that triggers from the same event as the 
process you are trying to debug, and set the trigger criteria to include all events with no filters. You can 
then monitor the operations views to see instances of the process which launch, and look at their trigger 
attributes to see all events. Be sure to delete these debugging processes when you are done diagnosing 
your problem.