Cisco GainMaker Optoelectronic Node 1GHz with 65 86 MHz Split Guida All'Installazione

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Preparing for Forward Path Balancing 
1  Connect the test equipment to the output test point on the receiver as shown in 
the following illustration. 
Important: The receiver output test point performs as the input test point for the 
2  Measure the signal level at the following frequencies: 
The lowest frequency specified in the system design 
The highest frequency specified in the system design 
3  Compare the measured levels to the design input levels on the system design 
Note: Add 20 dB to the measured levels to find the true levels. The test point 
attenuates input signals by 20 dB. 
4  Are measured levels within the desired limits? 
a  If yes, proceed to step 5. 
b  If no, or if no signals are present, find the problem before proceeding. You 
cannot balance the amplifier without the proper input signals. 
5  Remove the test point adapter from the forward input test point, leaving other 
equipment connectors intact. 
Dual Redundant Receiver 
Complete the following steps to test the input signal level from the optical receiver. 
Important: You cannot balance the amplifier without the proper input signals. 