Cisco Model D-PCG1000 PowerKEY CAS Gateway Riferimenti tecnici

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Operations Alert Bulletin 
Preventing Loss of IPG Data 
From time to time, system operators have to shut down the Digital Network 
Control System (DNCS) processes in order to perform administrative tasks or for 
routine maintenance. Once per hour, at the top of the hour, the ipgServer process 
on the Application Server attempts a "heartbeat connection" to the bfsServer 
process on the DNCS in order to confirm that the bfsServer process is running. If 
the DNCS processes are shut down while the ipgServer process tries to connect, 
the heartbeat connection fails. Later, when the ipgServer process is able to 
successfully connect, it re-registers its connection with the bfsServer process. 
When the ipgServer process re-registers its connection with the bfsServer process, 
the system deletes all links and files under the Interactive Program Guide (IPG) 
cabinet on the Broadcast File System (BFS) file system created from the old 
connection. This results in a loss of IPG data on the DNCS. 
This issue pertains to System Release (SR) 4.2 and later. Cisco engineers have 
created Change Request (CR) 107805 to address this issue. Cisco engineers expect 
to resolve this issue in System Release (SR) 4.5. 
Cisco engineers recommend that whenever system operators stop the DNCS 
processes for administrative tasks, they also stop the processes of the Application 
Server, as well. Follow this outline when stopping, and then restarting, these 
system processes: 
1  As dncs user in an xterm window on the Application Server, type appStop 
and then press Enter
2  As dncs user in an xterm window on the DNCS, type dncsStop and then press 
3  Perform administrative tasks. 
4  As dncs user in an xterm window on the DNCS, type dncsStart and then press 