Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option

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Select Filter Data
Use the Select filter data box to select and retrieve data from the database. Until you retrieve
database data, no data is displayed.
Optional filter
None means no optional filtering. All data is displayed for the selected records.
The optional fields to filter on differ by record type according to both the fields in a record and
the fields considered useful as filters.
Condition filter
Table 36: Option Filters
If the selected Optional Filter is
The Condition filter is ignored.
Select one of the text conditions (Contains, Ends With, Starts With, Is Blank)
and enter an appropriate entry in the Value field.
A text filter (for example, Description)
Select one of the numeric conditions (Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, Not
Equal) and enter an appropriate entry in the Value field.
A numeric filter (for example, Trunk
The available numeric conditions can change depending on the record data. For
example Equal or Not Equal might be the only choices.
The entry in this field is based on the selections made in the Optional Filter and Condition fields.
If None is selected in the Optional Filter field, this field is ignored.
Checked, indicates the current settings are saved so that when you next open the List tool for
this type of record, the current settings will be selected. However, no data is displayed until you
click the Retrieve button.
This button displays the data selected in the Select filter data box.
Cancel filter changes
If you change the Optional Filter settings after a Retrieve, clicking this button resets the filter
settings back to the preceding ones.
Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise and Hosted Release 8.0(2)
Chapter 7: Configuring Skill Targets