Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option

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Use this dialog to specify the DNIS values to be used in peripheral targets associated with the
translation route.
Step 14
Do one of the following:
To enter a specific DNIS value, click Add DNIS and enter the value.
To add a range of DNIS values, typically required by a translation route, click Add DNIS
. A dialog prompts you to enter a starting and ending DNIS value. The Translation
Route Wizard automatically generates the DNIS values in the range.
Note: DNIS values with leading zeroes, while valid, are different from DNIS values without
leading zeroes. For example, 400, 0400, and 00400 are three different and unique DNIS values.
Step 15
Click Next. The Configure Label dialog appears.
Figure 57: Configure Label
Use this dialog to define a label for each peripheral target. A label consists of a prefix and a
suffix. Each DNIS value requires a unique label.
Step 16
Do one of the following:
Enter prefixes and suffixes individually.
Use the buttons in this dialog to set a range of values or to base the prefix or suffix values
on the DNIS values.
Step 17
Click Next. The Wizard Complete dialog appears.
Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise and Hosted Release 8.0(2)
Chapter 8: Configuring Routes and Routing Targets
Translation Route Wizard