Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option

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Filter Item
The entry in this field is based on the selections made in the Optional Filter and
Condition fields. If None is selected in the Optional Filter field, this field is
Checked, indicates the current settings are saved so that when you next open
the List tool for this type of record, the current settings will be selected.
However, no data is displayed until you click the Retrieve button.
Save check box
This button displays the data selected in the Select filter data box.
Retrieve button
If you change the Optional Filter settings after a Retrieve, clicking this button
resets the filter settings back to the preceding ones.
Cancel filter changes button
Saving Configuration Data to the Database
When you have completed adding information in an open configuration window, click Save.
The system software saves the configuration data and immediately applies your changes to both
the local and central Unified ICM database.
• Whenever any data is retrieved by a configuration tool, it notes the last change mark on that
data at this point in time. If you then attempt to change that item, it first checks the current
copy in the database for its change mark. If the change marks do not agree, it indicates another
user has changed this item since you last retrieved it, and an error is returned. You must then
discard any changes, using Retrieve to obtain the latest information for editing.
• This approach is called optimistic locking, and assumes that it is rare to have two people
needing to change the same item at the same time. This prevents the performance and
maintenance issues involved with hard locking items, while still preventing one person from
accidentally overwriting another user's changes.
Feature Control
In general, feature control addresses the need of restricting users, or classes of users, from all
functionality of the system software.
Observe the following distinctions between object level control and feature control:
Object control, part of the system software partitioning feature, is a method of security for
prohibiting access to configuration data in the Unified ICM database.
Feature control, like the Limited (single Instance) Administration & Data Server, is a method
of security for prohibiting access to the system software features.
Script Editor feature control addresses the need of restricting users, or classes of users, from
some or all of the functionality of the Script Editor software. In a possible deployment scenario,
a system software administrator can restrict certain people from doing specific types of script
Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise and Hosted Release 8.0(2)
Chapter 3: The Configuration Manager
Configuration Manager Tools