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ICM WebView Online Help 
Working with Reports
Delete a report definition
You can modify the report definition by changing the report items and date/time 
range. You can also sort report data by each column. Save the report definition to 
save any changes that you make. 
Delete a report definition
Deleting a report definition permanently removes the report from WebView. Report 
definitions are either Shared or Private.  Shared report definitions can be used by 
all WebView users, and Private report definitions can be used only by you.  Do not 
delete Shared reports created by another user; only delete reports that you 
To delete a report definition
Step 1
From the WebView reporting window, select a report category from the menu. 
Select a sub-category if necessary.
Step 2
Click Saved Reports. A page listing all associated report definitions appears.
Step 3
Click the check box next to each report definition that you want to delete.
Step 4
Click Delete. A confirmation window opens.
Step 5
Click OK to confirm the deletion. The report definition or report definitions that you 
deleted will no longer be available after you press the Refresh button on the browser 
Log out of WebView
When you have finished using WebView, log out. If you close your browser without 
logging out, you may experience difficulty when attempting to log back in.
To log out of WebView
Step 1
On the WebView Reporting screen, click the Log Out button at the bottom of the 
menu. The WebView Reporting- Log Out window opens.
Step 2
Click close to close your browser or home to return to the log in page.