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ICM WebView Online Help 
About IPCC Reports
Trunk Group for IP-IVR Reports
Trunk Group for IP-IVR Reports
The trunk group IP-IVR templates are applicable for service control IVRs. They 
show how busy IVR ports are so you can ascertain if more ports are needed to 
adequately run the Contact Center. 
IVR ports have to be put into a trunk group in order to route calls to them. The 
Service Control protocol returns the number of ports and its status to ICM, so that 
ICM can report on them. Each Trunk Group represents one IVR platform (machine). 
A network trunk group is a set of IVRs. 
Table 13-8 Trunk Group IP-IVR Reports
real-time table
All the available trunk real-time report 
data in the Trunk_Group_Real_Time 
database table
historical table
All the available trunk historical report 
data in the Trunk_Group_Half_Hour 
database table
real-time bar 
The number of seconds that all IVR ports 
in the selected IVR group have been busy 
for the current half-hour interval
real-time bar 
The number of IVR ports in the selected 
IVR group that are idle and the number 
of IVR ports that are busy with a call 
real-time table
The status of the IVR ports in the 
selected IVR Port Groups 
historical table
Half-hour counts of ports in-service and 
ports idle, and the seconds that all ports 
were busy