Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guida Utente

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There is not a correlation between calls that abandon and calls that abandon while ringing. Abandon
Ring calls are calls that are routed by ICM software to a skill group and were abandoned while
ringing at an agent's phone. Abandon Ring is incremented only when this specific event occurs.
The call type Calls Abandoned is incremented every time a call abandons, including while the call
is in queue and at any point in the ICM routing script before the call rings at an agent.
None required
Abandon abandon delay time when caller abandons in queue is different than average
abandon delay time when call abandons while ringing for the call type
Abandon abandon delay time when caller abandons in queue is different than average abandon delay
time when call abandons while ringing for the call type.
The average abandon delay time is calculated for calls that abandoned in the half-hour interval
(CallsAbandonQToHalf). The CallsAbandonQToHalf database field is incremented for calls that
were abandoned while in queue, while ringing, or while in a script node.
For calls that abandon in the routing script, the average abandon delay time is the average time
that calls spend in the ICM script before being abandoned. This time includes any time that the
call spent in the script before being queued.
For calls that abandon while ringing, the average abandon delay time is the average of Queue Time
+ Ring Time + Delay Time. The average abandon delay time does not include the time that the call
spent in the ICM script before being queued.
None required
Troubleshooting Queue Reporting
Queue information does not appear in reports
Data relating to queued calls does not appear in reports; fields related to queued tasks are 0.
This can occur if you have not enabled Queue reporting for the VRU peripheral.
Cisco IP Contact Center Enterprise Edition Reporting Guide Release 6.0
Troubleshooting IPCC Enterprise Report Data
Troubleshooting Queue Reporting